Depression - Glastar Sunrooms by SunShade


Everyone I speak with lately is talking about what else - the weather. We had a few pretty nice weeks in April that had us anticipating a nice Spring, but it seems we have been getting a lot of gloomy and wet days with below average temperatures. It has been quite a challenge trying to stay on schedule!.

Even when we have had decent temperatures, often the gale force winds have prevented us from spending any quality time outside, which can be quite important to our emotional state of well being. All of this inclement weather seems to have a lot of people in a dejected mood, which is what I would like to comment on.

Some time ago a past customer of mine was commenting on how she enjoyed reading my articles (at least I know someone is reading them). She also mentioned that I should consider writing about the health aspects of owning a sunroom. She stated prior to having her sunroom, she often suffered periods of depression but since having her sunroom installed, she rarely experienced it! When you think about it, light therapy has been used to treat depression! Which is exactly what you have in a sunroom - lots of light (and lots of fresh air)! This is one of the intangible benefits (aside from being mosquito free and out of the rain and wind), that makes owning a sunroom such an investment in your lifestyle. So if you are tired (and depressed) of sitting inside the house wishing you could spend time outdoors, give us a call at 204-940-3030 or visit us at 265 Sutherland Ave. and we will show you how you can enjoy life more with a much "sunnier" disposition.

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