Throughout the summer I have endeavored to address issues and topics that people ask about in regard to sunrooms. At this time of year people often wonder - should I purchase a sunroom now or wait until spring?
Although our biggest "rush" in sales occurs in the spring we generally are steady throughout the summer with another "rush" again in the fall. Why a demand in the fall? Because. we have given out many quotes over the year and a lot o people decide they would like to extend their summer and choose to try and do it before it is too late. By the way, it is too late when Mother Nature decides it is too late! Although we could theoretically install sunrooms all year round, we do need "dry" conditions even it it is cold out.
It you are considering a sunroom now, you don't want to wait too long before making a decision in order to guarantee installation this year If you are considering a sunroom for next spring you might still want to pursue purchasing one now for several reasons, By purchasing your unit now you can guarantee your price and not be hit with price increases (which usually come in the spring) as we can allot the stock we have now to your job at this year's price. You also ensure an early delivery and installation avoiding the spring "rush".
If finances are one of the reasons you may be waiting for spring. You could purchase now, utilize our in-house financing to ensure your price, and the money you save in avoiding price increases could easily cover any interest that has accrued. Not only that, you would be able to use the room this fall and have it for spring when you will really appreciate it - after the long, cold winter.
So, if you would like more information on how to make your "Spring Dream" a reality NOW see us at our Mall Shows or call 940-3030.