Sunny Weather
With the nice sunny weather we've had lately, it may seem strange to be talking about winter now, but there is a reason. Every day we get more orders in as people get fed up with battling the bugs (if it's not the mosquitoes in the wet years, its the wasps in the dry years) and the weather. What does this have to do with winter you ask? With the short building season we are faced with, we can only install so many sunrooms a year and we have pretty much reached this number.
Just like almost every construction related trade out there we are extremely busy. People have been either investing in their current homes or building new homes and with the crazy rainstorms and hot weather the trades have been backed up. On top of that, virtually every job we do will bring us 3 to 5 referrals (sometimes quickly - sometimes over the course of several years) as more people are exposed to the advantages of a sunroom. Consequently, our installation schedule has been filling up quicker than ever.
When we have an extremely busy year such as this, people think that we can simply hire more people. Unfortunately it's not quite that easy. In order to train more installers, they have to "apprentice" for at least 2 years before we can even think about letting them install on their own, if they can hack it! Working ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week, is not for everyone. It just doesn't pay to have more people if they are not committed to the standards that made us successful in the first place.
If you are thinking about getting a sunroom we are booking for spring and now is the time to get cracking, as everyone in the industry will get booked up quickly. So if you would like more info, a tour of the factory , or a free in home estimate contact us at 204-940-3030. You can make your dream come true!