In the 30 plus years I have been in the Sunroom industry I have seen close to twenty (possibly more) Sunroom companies come and go. Considering there is probably no other single project a homeowner can do that will give them so much enjoyment and satisfaction - why the high turnover? The most apparent reason seems to be knowledge - or lack of it.
Like many industries, all you need to become an "expert" is a price list, some potential customers, and a slick sales pitch. This, however, is where the pitfalls become apparent. All too often salespeople tell potential customers what they want to hear - not what the facts are, This in turn creates problems throughout the progress of the job as well as undermining customer satisfaction (when the room does not live up to expectations) and ultimately leads to the demise of the company. Now what happens if you require service.
When our family started in the Sunroom business in the '70's we had a choice - either ship in a product from the U.S. or out of province, or make the ongoing investment in our company and manufacture our product locally. Although manufacturing was an overwhelming option, at the time, it really was the best choice. Instead of handling a kit or pre -fab package we are able to custom build each Sunroom and provide the correct product at the right price.
Having all our years of experience, and the flexibility of our product, we consider ourselves consultants not salespeople. If we can't fulfill your needs properly, we will not take your business! To prove the point we always let customers see our work on-site and speak to previous customers about their Sunroom. Because of this honest, up front approach we do not have to "sell" you, although our product, service and past customers might.
If you would like information about sunrooms, without any high-pressure tactics, give us a call at 940-3030 or call for a tour of Manitoba's Sunroom Factory.